The Modern Community Plugin for WordPress

Light-weight, bloat-free & lightning-fast.
Just the core essentials of an effective community platform.

Why create a community?

Leverage the power of your tribe by creating a thriving homebase for your members to hang out, share and learn from each other.

Curate user-generated content

Complementary to your course content, curate a treasure trove of user generated content, both for your future members and search engines.

Build Comradery & Trust

With your course, you have given your members something to stand together for. Now give them a place where they can teach and learn from each other, bringing your tribe closer together.

Empower members to take your vision forward

When you have an army of like-minded individuals who are just waiting to be energised and transformed, you don't have to do it all by yourself.

Drive Word-of-Mouth

Your avid members are already talking about you. Give them the right tools to talk to the right people.

Provide a safe space

Your members need a safe, non-judgemental space where they can share their mistakes, learnings and the journey towards a better version of themselves. What better way than to connect them with people who have come down the same, less-travelled road?


Special Limited-Time Launch Offer.
25% Off the First Year!

Use on 1 site

$ 149
99 first year
  • Use on 1 site

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© 2022.